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The Greatest Secret That Will Change Your Life : "Use of ALSO"

Hey learner!

The single most thing to have in life is to aware about your ego and control over it.
How many times did you suffer from your ego towards people?
How many times did you suffer from other’s ego?
Let’s learn the secret behind this…

Ego V/s Pride

Let’s suppose you are a good singer and running your YouTube channel worth of 1M subscribers and more.


If you think that you are the only one in this universe who only can do this then it's an ego.
You are not self aware about the reality and the people around you basically.

Signs of being egoistic person

·     Talks with everyone being rude
·     Getting angry in most of the times
·     Helping none instead compares and feel good
·     Jealousy and hatred


If you believe in whatever you did it till now , is everyone’s capability or lets say “If I can do it then why cannot you and other” kind of attitude then you are not in the stage of ego.
Congratulations! If you are here.

Signs of person having pride in life

·     Act of kindness
·     Give the advice to the needy genuinely
·     Appreciate the achievement of others
·     Love towards everyone

Now, the misconception may arise that what if you appreciate too much ?

Appreciation has its limit inside the mind which really make sense because if you appreciate a person a lot then you’ll lose your own motive within and sometimes you disguised this too much.
Just take care of that.
Appreciate as an inspiration neither for jealousy nor for demotivation.


The very simple habit you have to add into your life is to include the word “also” in your life, sentence, mind and everything.

If any instant you are aware of your ego then try this…

·      I am also stupid
·      I can also do the mistake
·      I can also cry and have an emotion
·      I can also be impatient 

For such pride…

·      I can also do it
·      I can also never give up
·      I can also achieve the success
·      I can also be the best version of myself

Use of "also" matters a lot.
Practice it gradually and observe the difference.

There are actually 3 types of things which is happening inside you with the cause of outsource.

1.    Ego
2.    Pride
3.    Demotivation

Make sure to balance it regularly.

Forget ‘E’ and let it ‘Go’

Thank You
Keep Spreading Wisdom!
The Greatest Secret That Will Change Your Life : "Use of ALSO" The Greatest Secret That Will Change Your Life : "Use of  ALSO" Reviewed by Learning4it on February 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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