Victory of yourself
You are always winning!
Hey learner!
If you are believing that sometimes you are winning or sometimes you are losing then this one is for you.
Yes, it has said that you learn sometimes but moreover you are actually winning within.
Let's understand.
You've often messed up things in the weird conversations with your friends, relative, or neighbours about topic such as politics, religion and all.
All of us already know that, those types of conversation will never going to end with proper conclusion, is it?
So, at last either your friend ends that topic or you do it.
If you end that, then you'll feel low letting him win the argument or sometimes the same goes to that person as well.
It's you only who let them win the argument knowingly or unknowingly.So you are winning your choice within.
It is deep to understand but it is the reality.
Mostly people make a resolution at the start of the new year, whereas very few are committing that actually, matter of the fact.

If you are one of them, then you've a belief system that you are losing those resolutions, losing yourself or at least you are not doing what you really should do.
It shows that you are not willing to do that resolution according to your will, just faking it.
You actually need the purpose of becoming the best version of yourself.
Ask yourself - Why you should achieve that resolution?
For fun, show-off?
It's you only who repeatedly want resolutions more than need those knowingly or unknowingly.So you are winning your choice within.
It is deep to understand but it is the reality.
You think you are not going to make it because of the opinions of others.
Something else is defining you is your actual thought and believing that you are losing yourself.
It's not about your thoughts, it's also not about your action towards your thoughts.
Rather, it's your false belief that you are your thought.
Actually you are awareness in this universe who can able to see, understand the reality.
That's why , believing you cannot do it is your win as you are making that choice comfortable.
So you are winning your choice within.
It is deep to understand but it is the reality.
You are always winning yourself in every single moment.
This is very important as it is actual practicality.
Let's take an example here about exams.
Now, suppose you've targeted 50 marks out of 100 and you are achieving 55, that is achieving your personal goal.
Others will tease you or making fun of you based upon you marks, but you know what?
In the end, you won't affect with those talks as you already won your goal or interest, so the end.
It is applicable to every moment of life, just observe and comment down if you had those.
So you are winning your choice within.
It is deep to understand but it is the reality.
Ethic Statement- Matter of the fact your actual meaning of believing is winning.
Thank You
Keep spreading wisdom!
Victory of yourself: Sometimes you win sometimes you learn!
Reviewed by Learning4it
January 27, 2019

Rightly mentioned that the only competition you are having and will always have is with yourself. The only thing that matters is how you outdo yourself. At the end of the day you shouldn't feel you're the same person you were yesterday.
ReplyDeleteYes!Introspecting yourself defines you!