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Analogy Of Life! A Life Poem

Image Source- life-is-like-an-analogy.

There is analogy in everywhere,
May it takes a year
Or barely a second
To understand.

Matter of the fact,
It's not simple not to compare,
But there is an option
To get inspired instead.
Just like, an apple,
Green apple or red apple.
Apple is an apple.
Better avoid such jealousy desire,
And be an inspirer.

Though it seems lame,
Learning from Mr.Bean is not a piece of shame.
At least, he is himself and never blame.
Enjoying every moment always wins his life of game.
The reason why one should learn
From such celebrity of this comedy fame.

Forgive your past
As you do the same with your old cloth
Life may sucks, back and froth.

The colour white is the actual base,
An origin of every colour,
Even if it's deep, dim or blur,
Accepted universally mostly
As a symbol of peace
To remind,
We all may not be same or different,
But connected with each other.

Let me have you a favour,
There is no shortcut or an alter
As we all are bubbles of the water.
Just be clear about fear
It's just a barrier when you take it a little severe.

There is analogy in sky.
Sky reminds us to fly
Same like a alarm clock
And also wake up call
To get prepared for such failure fall.

Taking you to the rarest windows
Of your home, rarely not closed.
In every season has lame reason.
In monsoon, due to rainfall
Where in winter it's cool wind more and more
And still in summer,
But what's that for?

There is always different point of view,
Some tries new
And some don't
As it's just same as taking food
Old, new or creative.

Most of us
Had never knew,
That you can try a unique
Type of food no matter it is simply few.

Thus, this way surely leads you,
To live a life with better perspective.

 Hope it has valued you!

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If you are struggling through depressions and struggles, then read this ⬇️

If you are comparing being egoistic person, then read this ⬇️

If your act of overthinking is killing you, then read this ⬇️

Analogy Of Life! A Life Poem Analogy Of Life! A Life Poem Reviewed by Learning4it on April 17, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. There we go😊. Simple, unique and showing similitude hard to observe at first place.


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