What's Your Purpose?!

I'm learning from you, hope you do the same.

Helping Hand!

Be human and give a helping hand,
This message must be expand.
Like  a fan over stand.
Needy people in your life are not planned.
And your humanity is tested when you offend.

Feed them some food.
It's not to show everyone or conclude.
They are needy and a bit screwed.
Don't be so rude.
Do you understood?

Though you own more earnings,
Things can get fixings
But not people's feelings.

Inside the heart there is no poor or rich.
I really don't understand,
Why outside the heart there is a useless bridge?
Always remember it's just duality,illusion and a glitch.

Let's give a helping hand,
We all are one,united and everyone's friend
In this earth such a wonderland.

Ethic statement-Use things not people.


Keep Spreading...
Helping Hand! Helping Hand! Reviewed by Learning4it on November 27, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. Peffevt examples👌fantastic rhyming 👏

    1. Hope it added some value to your life 🙏❤


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