It's picnic time, yay!We are always excited for one day trip or two or in childish way let's say PICNIC.Let's learn what picnic teaches us life lessons.
It's week before the picnic you're all ready for that one day with clothes and things to play and all.Such an excitement, eh?!
Ever thought why picnic surprises you?
It's because you have no expectations for that day and you believe that, that day will be awesome and that's it.
Likewise, if you have no expectations for today and tomorrow, just think a little bit how would be your today for every tomorrow's?
Picnic teaches you the ability to adapt the situations.
Yes,it is.I want you to go in your picnic days and just remember how did you adapt the situations with smiling face😄.
Similarly, if you adapt things in reality, what would be your patience and growing level?
No matter what the place is, you'll always be happy with your people and thinking nothing about past or future.You are in present.
What would it be if you being happy all the time?
And it's the fact that "be happy",we all know that then why not its implementation?
Your own Surroundings.
With whom you go for picnic?
Dude, obviously with my friends OR obviously with my family OR obviously with my own people.
Likewise, What would it be if you surround yourself with such people daily?You only own your surroundings.
End of the day
Whenever your picnic is over, we never regret about anything because we know that we had enjoyed a lot, didn't we?
And more importantly what we say at last , WE'LL GO FOR ANOTHER PICNIC SOMEDAY AT DIFFERENT PLACE.
Similarly, what would it be if you end your today saying "I'll have a great tomorrow and yes I believe it"?
Life's just as simple as picnic.
As your life's first brick,
Defines your basic.
No matter where you live or in which district.
Life's not a thing to get terrific.
Face your all fears and get rid of your phobic.
Live your own way and stay unique.
Why complicating life and get panic?
You are growing, you are learning with all your worth critic.
It's week before the picnic you're all ready for that one day with clothes and things to play and all.Such an excitement, eh?!
Ever thought why picnic surprises you?
It's because you have no expectations for that day and you believe that, that day will be awesome and that's it.
Likewise, if you have no expectations for today and tomorrow, just think a little bit how would be your today for every tomorrow's?
Picnic teaches you the ability to adapt the situations.
Yes,it is.I want you to go in your picnic days and just remember how did you adapt the situations with smiling face😄.
Similarly, if you adapt things in reality, what would be your patience and growing level?
No matter what the place is, you'll always be happy with your people and thinking nothing about past or future.You are in present.
What would it be if you being happy all the time?
And it's the fact that "be happy",we all know that then why not its implementation?
Your own Surroundings.
With whom you go for picnic?
Dude, obviously with my friends OR obviously with my family OR obviously with my own people.
Likewise, What would it be if you surround yourself with such people daily?You only own your surroundings.
End of the day
Whenever your picnic is over, we never regret about anything because we know that we had enjoyed a lot, didn't we?
And more importantly what we say at last , WE'LL GO FOR ANOTHER PICNIC SOMEDAY AT DIFFERENT PLACE.
Similarly, what would it be if you end your today saying "I'll have a great tomorrow and yes I believe it"?
Life's just as simple as picnic.
As your life's first brick,
Defines your basic.
No matter where you live or in which district.
Life's not a thing to get terrific.
Face your all fears and get rid of your phobic.
Live your own way and stay unique.
Why complicating life and get panic?
You are growing, you are learning with all your worth critic.
Ethic Statement- Live today as a picnic
As it's epic.
Keep Spreading…
Life's a picnic.
Reviewed by Learning4it
November 30, 2018

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