What's Your Purpose?!

I'm learning from you, hope you do the same.

Try saying "NO".

Why people can't say no?
keep accepting the white
 cotton as a snow,
even they know.

Why people can't say no?
acting and pretending to someone fake,
knowing it's not for their sake.

Why people can't say no?
keep falling mentally
keep conflicting   mentally
just like domino
and casino.

Hey there!
You should know
this life is too short
Don't excuse and just seek support
'Cos guess what?! That's just your zone of comfort,
Please abort
Please abort
Please abort.

Ethic statement-Turn your "NO"
just like lava-volca'No'
Try saying "NO". Try saying "NO". Reviewed by Learning4it on November 11, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. OMG Bro! You're are serious writer. I want everyone to read this.

  2. Spellbound ��that was awesome ��


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