What's Your Purpose?!

I'm learning from you, hope you do the same.

It May Differ But Will Remain Same!

Life Poetry!

The journey of your life may differ but the destination will remain the same.

The vehicle of yours may differ but the roads will remain the same.

The brand of watches may differ but the time will remain the same.

Successive stories may differ but the inspiration level will remain the same.

The standard of your life may differ but figuring out constantly will remain same.

Opinions of others may differ but your personal choice will remain same.

 In this life, Influencers may differ but sometimes people will remain the same.

The game of your life may differ but love as a price will remain same.

Your depression level may differ but your awareness will remain same.

The Generation gap in every era may differ but the wisdom will remain same.

The perspective of your mission may differ but the purpose will remain the same.

The trends towards everything may differ but the followers will remain same.

Friends and people in your entire life may differ but the family will remain same.

The writers on this earth may differ but the words will remain the same.

Your Attitude may differ but the process will remain the same.

Comedy content may differ but the laugh will remain same.

Your Geographical location may differ but your heart  will remain same.

Species of world may differ but types of creatures will remain same.

The growth of tree may differ but the roots through it will remain same.

View of every Landscape may differ but the excitement will remain same.

The environment of Park may differ but the green grass will remain same.

Kids in everyday life may differ but the smile will remain same.


To Cultivate New Habit
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21 Days learning Process

If you are struggling through depressions and struggles, then read this 

If you are comparing being egoistic person, then read this 

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It May Differ But Will Remain Same! It May Differ But Will Remain Same! Reviewed by Learning4it on March 14, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. Amazing 👌👌👌 job 👏 bro! This poem has a lot of content in it. Great!

    1. Yes i do agree...
      Little Stuff & Lot more Saying👏👏👏

    2. Pleased to know from you all 🙏❤

  2. Exceptionally good,these words are!You have the potential of casting us with a spell of motivation and positivity 😁

  3. Wow bro....👌👌👌👌👌


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