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Why Water Is Life?

Hey Learner!

Through the use of water we live and with it we’ll die.
The earth consists of water mostly.
So what if we learn life lessons from water?

Let’s understand this…

Be The Flow

Have you been through any hill station or lake or such water falls?
What do you observe the most?

We love the water falls and the breeze within because of the proper flow of it.
The water is flowing consistently and maintaining such process make us feel peace and joyful.

What it would be if you are maintaining your process?

Stagnant water is dirty water.
Empty mind is an evil spirit.

Be an open minded human being.
Don’t just experience things which only includes your perspective, rather enjoy the fun or interesting part of viewing life with different perspective.

Everyone love the human being of such kind.

Are you going to be one of them?

Power Of Adaptability 
(Shapes and forms)

Maybe you’ve known this about water has no definite shape, size and forms etc kind of stuff in you class 8 or 9, let me tell you very basic and important message here.

Water always makes the way

Whatever situation arise, water makes its way to fill.

Say For example ,

Water in water bottle.
Water inside the entire sea.
Water droplets on the floor.
Water inside the glass.
Etc etc 

(No Excuses)
(If you are brave enough then you’ll surely do it)

I know you are powerful and brave.
I just want you to remind that you can be like a water.
Sometimes mistakes happens, just need to comeback in the flow and maintain it.
You are procrastinating it because you are lazy and you’ve find that way.
You are feeling jealous as you’ve accepted it to yourself.
You are finding your way always, just need to be aware about the right or the wrong according to you.

Everything is happening based on your choices, you are allowing it to yourself knowingly or unknowingly.

Bubbles (Living Entities)

Do you know the bubbles popping inside the water?

We the living beings are just like bubbles.
Sometimes bubbles popped out or sometimes its recreating itself destroying the previous one.

Similarly, we are bubbles having a life as a bless.
One day you’ll leave this life just like a bubble and new bubble will recreate and the cycle will goes on and on and on and …

Some people believes life is lucky and great to those who are famous and successful, but let me disbelieve you by this that 

No matter how famous and successful you are, if you are not happy within then it’s nothing but a hell.
It’s better to be happy being yourself.

Because every big bubble and small bubble will gonna end soon.

You are going to die.


If you are struggling through depressions and struggles, then read this 

If you are comparing being egoistic person, then read this 

If your act of overthinking is killing you, then read this 

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Hope this has valued you.

Thank You!

Much Love!


Keep Spreading Wisdom

Why Water Is Life? Why Water Is Life? Reviewed by Learning4it on March 02, 2019 Rating: 5


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