What's Your Purpose?!

I'm learning from you, hope you do the same.

Why Everything Is Important?

Is Everything Important?

According to title let me tell you that its totally not the case that you should do everything but the process you do every single day is important.

Make sure to learn this

It may sounds funny or irrelevant but let me conclude that 

Whatever you do daily matters and defines you. 
Everything is important.

For example

  •       What do you do after waking up in the morning? Surfing the internet? 
  •       While brushing your teeth, do you read your mobile and newspaper?

If you do the above mentioned stuff then you are totally distracted mate.

  •       How is your response towards such tensed situations? 
  •       What you do when someone taunts you?
  •       How do you deal with your friends, family, kids, old ones?

Make sure about it. That’s important as well, its always becoming better person of yourself daily.

<<<Think About This>>>

You are a sportsperson or doing some stuff needs concentration and patience then it's not always necessary that you have to do something different to practise it on.

All you need is to do everything with concentration and being patient.

Let's say ...

  • If you are reading a book then you have to stay focused and read a book, that's it.
  • If you are listening or speaking then do the respective stuff, isn't it?
  • Walk patiently.
  • See everything being focused.

Is something not working out? 
Have Patience

It may sound cliche but let me tell you that all you need is to have patience.

It may take 
  • One Week
  • One Month
  • One Year
  • One Decade 
  • One Life

Are you willing to do it to make your life worth?
Are you giving up on your dream or what?

This is the topic where only you can reply to this 

"Why Do You Need To Be Patient?"

Trust The Process

See, to be honest it's bitter to understand this but it's really better to learn this as soon as possible.

Are you failed at something? Or Maybe You'll fail at something 

Always Remember: 

"It has not happened to you but for you"

Know this difference!

Act Like This

If you are suffering from depression or such a failure then...

Don't be afraid to get back up

  • To try again
  • To love again
  • To live again
  • To dream again

Don't let a hard lesson harden your heart.
Life's best lessons are often learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes.

There will be times when it seems like everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong.
And you might feel like you will be stuck in this rut forever, but you won't.

When you fell like quitting, remember that sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right.

Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best.

Do you know why they said "Follow Your Dreams"
That's the solution.

The real you defines when you are not doing your actual work.
Everyone's doing the same. 


To Cultivate New Habit
 (Don't Miss This)

21 Days learning Process

If you are struggling through depressions and struggles, then read this 

If you are comparing being egoistic person, then read this 

If your act of overthinking is killing you, then read this 

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Hope this has valued you.

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Much Love!


Keep Spreading Wisdom

Why Everything Is Important? Why Everything Is Important?  Reviewed by Learning4it on March 12, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. Crystal clear explanation ✨ you have pumped in a great motivation inside me special thanks for that 😇


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